Building Accessibility Audit
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Building Accessibility Audit

Are you losing business because of a lack of accessibility information?

Did you know disabled people spend 13 trillion dollars annually for themselves and their families?

In fact, according to the Purple Pound, that number is rising by 14% yearly.

So, when your business includes the often-forgotten disability community you attract new customers, get devoted employees, and become a trustworthy socially sustainable brand.

While working with blind and low-vision clients, I struggled with building environment accessibility.

Visiting businesses quickly became a daunting task.

Buildings were not accessible.

There was no accessibility information.

And, if there was it was usually flawed.

But that's when I learned something precious.

If I could get reliable and detailed accessibility information the most amazing thing in the world would happen.

My disabled clients experienced smoother access and businesses learned more about accessibility.

They also learned how to reach their disability inclusion goals.

Together we can do this for you too.

Would you like to know how inclusive your business is?

As an accredited partner of Access4you, I can help you gain insights into your building’s accessibility, elevate your brand value, and reach your long-term social sustainability goals.

The Access4you certification is a certification scheme for the accessibility of the built environment.

It helps people with disabilities know how accessible your building while supporting you to gain insights into your building’s accessibility and reach your business and ESG goals.

What could be better than that?

Go on.

Grab a cup of creamy coffee and put my disability experience to work for you today!

Warm wishes from sunny Basel.

Access4you accredited partner logo. The word access in black, followed by the number 4 in white set in a half-opened door, followed by the word you and accredited partner.
 Access4 you logo. On the left, In white letters access followed by the number 4 in a half-opened door. In the middle are 9 disability pictograms, wheelchair user, elderly, people with strollers, low vision, blind, hard of hearing, deaf, neurodiverse, service dogs. On the right are the logos of EASPD, ENAT, HuGBC, The Valuable 500.

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